
Welcome to my student portfolio!

Here are a few of my designs I created while completing my Diploma of Graphic Design.

Location Branding - New York Logo - Street Sign

Location Branding

I was tasked to rebrand a place of my choosing, I chose New York City. During the rebrand I created a new logo, slogan and colour pallet. I believe this was successful from the research and feedback I received throughout the design process.

Location Branding - New York Logo - Buisness Cards
Location Branding - New York - Street Sign

Personal Branding

This was my most challenging assignment, by far! Creating a logo and colour pallet that represents not only me but my design style. After many different colors, sketches and feedback I think I created the perfect logo that shows off everything I wanted.

Personal Branding - Buisness Card - Astro Ashlee Art Logo
Personal Branding - Phone - Astro Ashlee Art Logo
Personal Branding - Letter Head - Astro Ashlee Art Logo
Location Branding - Magazine Mockup - Front Cover

Discover New York

For this assessment I was tasked to create a guide book on a location of my choice. To streamline my assignments I decided to combine my guide book with my location branding and I was very happy I made this decision as I was already familiar with the style of New York that I wanted to capture through my design and type choices.

Magazine Mockup - Inside Page - High Line
Location Branding - Magazine - Inside page - Central Park